2018 Maryland election results

Allison Galbraith

Allison Galbraith
  • Democrat
  • Age: 35
  • Residence: Abingdon

About Allison Galbraith


I have an AA in General Studies from Harford Community College, a BA in Philosophy from University of MD - College Park, where I also completed graduate coursework in Public Management/ Public Policy with a specialization in Federal Acquisition. I also hold certificates in FDA Regulatory Affairs and Good Manufacturing Processes as well as numerous professional certifications related to federal program management.


My professional background is in federal contracting and planning, management, and oversight of federal programs and portfolios. I own a small consulting business and have a decade of experience working to improve federal programs. I have provided management and federal acquisition streamlining expertise to a variety of Research and Development programs and portfolios across the Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs. I also help small businesses, particularly Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses, bid on federal contracts. I understand how the federal government operates, where the problems are, and how to make it run better to make the wisest possible use of our tax dollars.


Trump record
How do you assess the Trump administration so far?
Galbraith: While I have many concerns about the Trump administration, the 2018 election is about our Representatives in Congress, not the Trump administration. As a nation, we depend on checks and balances in government — checks and balances we are not receiving from our current Representative here in MD’s first congressional district. It is imperative that we have a Representative who is available, responsive, and willing to show up, listen, and advocate on behalf of the people he or she serves. People and their well-being — not the profit motive of large corporations — must come first. That may require opposing the Trump administration or supporting and working with the Trump administration, depending on the issue. We need a Representative who is willing to do whatever is required of them to make sure that our government of and by the people is working for the people and that our most pressing issues are being addressed in the best, most effective, and most fiscally responsible way possible. Right is right, wrong is wrong, and a good idea is a good idea no matter whether it comes from the left or the right, because partisan obstructionism for the sake of partisan obstructionism helps nobody.
2017 Tax cuts
Do you support or oppose the federal tax cuts passed in 2017? What effect do you believe they will have on the economy?
Galbraith: As a whole, I believe that the long-term impacts of the federal tax cuts passed in 2017 will be more negative than positive and opposed the legislation as it was written. However, there are aspects of the tax bill which were not universally bad. For instance, tax cuts at lower and middle income brackets and higher child tax credits are beneficial to many. A better approach to tax reform legislation would be to simplify tax code, introduce permanent tax cuts for individuals rather than temporary ones, close corporate tax loopholes, and ensure that any corporate tax cuts are contingent upon those corporations fairly compensating their employees. If corporations want tax breaks, they should be using those breaks to invest in their workforce and paying their employees sufficiently that those employees are not dependent on government assistance to support their families. Meanwhile, higher wages and permanent tax reductions for the working class would help to spur spending and strengthen the economy, as well as generate additional federal revenue.
National debt
Is the level of national debt a concern? What, if anything, should be done to reduce it or constrain its increase?
Galbraith: The level of national debt is a concern in that it is not being invested in the people as it should. While not all debt is bad — it depends how you spend the money borrowed — seeing increases in the deficit combined with the drastic cuts to social programs to offset these increases is a recipe for disaster for average Americans…and our children! Families come in all shapes, colors, and sizes and every American, regardless of race, gender, disability, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, etc. deserves the tools and resources they need to live and retire in comfort, support their families, and give back to their communities. To do this, we don’t need more spending or increased taxes on working Americans, we need smarter spending. We can constrain the long-term increase in national debt by making wiser use of our tax dollars. That could mean making our federal government and its programs operate more efficiently and cutting waste. This would free up resources which we can put towards investing in our future — improved physical and digital infrastructure, high-quality public education, improved early education, childcare and caregiver assistance programs, job training and job creation programs, or improved public health — and improving the quality of life of our citizens while getting a large return on investment for every dollar spent.
Income inequality
Is the level of economic inequality in the United States a problem, and if so, what should the federal government do to address it?
Galbraith: Yes, it is a problem. Every American deserves the equal opportunity to be successful in life and to live and retire in comfort. In addition to the items discussed under the national debt question, the federal government can overturn Citizens United, enact anti-corruption reforms, and get big money out of politics. It is currently extremely difficult to run for federal office if you are not able to quit your job or self-finance a run, yet this is the reality for most Americans. Big money in politics means we are sending fundraisers to DC and rewarding privilege over competence. Congress lacks diversity — of race, age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, and importantly, socioeconomic status. There is an inherent value in diversity of perspective among otherwise competent Representatives. If our political campaign process itself weeds out those candidates who best understand the issues of everyday Americans, i.e. working Americans themselves, it is also weeding out those who are most motivated to address those problems. Part of working towards economic equality is ensuring that we have socioeconomic diversity in representation as well, and that means that any qualified person should have a chance at representing us in Congress as well.
Gun laws
Should federal gun laws be changed, and if so, how?
Galbraith: Yes. We need universal background checks, universal, mandatory, consistent reporting by all states into a national background check system, universal training requirements, and to remove impediments to researching and reducing gun violence such as the Dickey and Tiahrt Amendments. We must also promote responsible gun ownership and gun safety and evaluate policy options to ensure that there are repercussions for not demonstrating responsible gun ownership. Further, ATF should be given the funding and other resources required to carry out their mission.
What should Congress do with respect to the Affordable Care Act? Should it be strengthened, and if so, how? Should it be scrapped? If so, what if anything should replace it?
Galbraith: The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a flawed program but has done wonders for many, including myself. I was able to start a business and maintain it because ACA enabled me to finally purchase an affordable health insurance policy on the private market. ACA prohibited me from being charged more as a woman (30-80% for the same policies which did not include maternity care) and also from being denied coverage or priced out due to a c-section and postpartum depression, which were considered preexisting conditions. In the near-term, ACA should be strengthened by stabilizing the health insurance markets and expanding subsidies to those who still struggle to afford policies. In the long-term, cost reduction programs such as Maryland’s All-Payer system should be expanded to control healthcare costs and we should work towards universal healthcare. There are numerous ways to approach this which would all offer reduced out of pocket costs and increased access to high-quality healthcare, and any of them would be a step in the right direction. The most well-known of these is the Medicare for All proposal, which I would happily support. Ultimately, I feel every one of us deserves affordable healthcare, to include vision, dental, and prescription coverage, and I would work towards that in the best, most realistic, and fiscally responsible way possible. Achieving this goal is beneficial to all of us and would even encourage small business growth, stimulating our economy.
Urban policy
What role should the federal government play in helping cities like Baltimore?
Galbraith: The federal government should play a role in addressing the needs of all citizens in areas and issues where outcome should not vary based on zip code. Addressing these needs for citizens and assisting with federal programs to eliminate any disparities in these basic needs will help to improve conditions and quality of life in both rural and urban areas.
What can Congress do to address the opioid epidemic?
Galbraith: There is no silver bullet approach to address the opioid epidemic. We must embrace a holistic approach and take multiple measures such as ensuring that healthcare coverage cover mental health and substance abuse treatment, training primary and emergency care providers to identify, prevent, and treat substance abuse disorders, investing in non-addictive pain relief alternatives for those with legitimate pain, and enact criminal justice reforms to ensure that substance abuse disorders are treated appropriately in the law.
What changes if any should Congress make to our immigration and deportation laws and policies?
Galbraith: I would reform our citizenship process to eliminate backlogs and provide a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients and others who have worked hard to earn that privilege.
Free trade
Should the United States continue with the free trade policies it pursued for the last several decades, or should it enact restrictions in an attempt to help domestic industries?
Galbraith: I support revision of international trade agreements to include stronger, more enforceable labor protections and environmental provisions and adjusting taxes to remove incentives to send jobs overseas. We must improve worker rights and labor standards at home and abroad.
Do you support the Iran nuclear deal?
Galbraith: While not ideal by any means, the Iran nuclear deal is likely the best chance to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power and preventing war. Ways to strengthen or amend it should be considered based on changing circumstances and recommendations from experts in that field.
North Korea
How should the United States address the rise of North Korea’s nuclear program?
Galbraith: Diplomacy and leaning on regional allies for support is currently the best course of action to address North Korea’s nuclear program. There is no way out and no good outcome to a war with North Korea.

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