Do you support Baltimore County's federal housing consent decree? In particular, do you support a prohibition on rental discrimination against those who use federal housing vouchers?
Marron: No I don’t .This program was pushed unsuccessfully by Venetoulis, kamenetz mentor, it isn’t a discrimination stopping program, it is a developer based program that intentionally using presentation skills paints a picture of discrimination. I feel it’s even misunderstood by those vocally against it. People should realize , great Urban Development of Baltimore County that Kamentz celebrated , fifty years recently is basically same blue print used to create apartheid in South Africa. They used plans to let the workers mine & build the great cities but kept them in certain areas, some where there families were only allowed to visit, plans also were used for the Gentrification in Portland, right out of Baltimore County playbook. Folks, since Clinton’s there has been work going on to create a new place for refugees in America, for the political and hedge fund investment ,they have well written plans by many great people, grants etc. come with plan. Northern Baltimore County will stay rural,& southeast & west Baltimore County will feel the growth. They protect rural Baltimore County with successful apartheid rules, substituting sewage rules to limit building. Many of these vouchers weren’t going to inner city residents, again they are used, plans like these developed nationally call for new middle class, many non English speaking Newcomers are the targets of those vouchers. Hispanics don’t realize, like inner city blacks, illegal refugees are targeted to get these vouchers.