What do you consider the greatest accomplishments and failings of the Glassman administration?
Forgan: I am a long time resident of Harford County an I reside along the route 40 corridor. I will answer what I think the Glassman administrations greatest accomplishment for my community has been in my own opinion. A carved wooden mariner statue. Although year 4 is not over yet . Greatest failings are waiting until an election year to give county employee raises and not giving enough funding for addiction recovery , changing the charter to give yourself too much authority over county employees, accepting charter changes that were self serving to your own administration, wasting time changing the color of the rim of the county seal to match your campaign colors, not doing anything to ensure women could get the same addiction recovery treatment made available to men at the detention center. The rate increase in our water bill. Would have been great to have had some type of plan for consideration of seniors on fixed incomes and those living and struggling to pay bills to take care of their families.
Does Harford County have adequate resources to meet its needs, particularly in the funding of public schools and law enforcement?
Forgan: I would like Harford County Council and administration to work side by side with the Board of Education to put a plan in place to ensure the children of our county equality in educational opportnities. The same with law enforcement. Creating a partnership to discuss, resolve and put in place solutions. I would work towards not having to answer a question of adequate resources for two of our most important resources our children and law enforcement/first responders.
Have the county’s land use policies adequately balanced growth and the preservation of existing communities and agricultural land?
Forgan: No.
How do you rate the county’s efforts to fight opioid addiction overdoses? What else, if anything, should the county be doing to combat the epidemic?
Forgan: I am a resident that sees the numbers every month from the Hope Board. I have ideas from research of other communities efforts. I would like to see a bigger investment from the budget. A center opened now in a building to serve as an addiction recovery center for those that have no where else to turn. Have workers that provide home check ups and are there to walk patients through every day struggles. Offer incentives to children at risk in school to hopefully get them on the right path for success. Offer incenitves to businesses to mentor those recovering who are able to go out and be productive and learn a trade. I would work with the community because communication is everything.
How would you characterize the relationship between the Harford County Sheriff’s Office and the communities it serves? Are any reforms necessary?
Forgan: I think the Harford County Sheriff’s Office goes above and beyond what their duties call for. If any reforms are necessary that should come from within.
The Glassman administration is trying to lead Harford County’s formerly all-volunteer fire and emergency medical services to more a professional organization with more paid personnel. How do you rate the county’s effort and what should have or could have done differently in this controversial transformation?
Forgan: I was under the impression from the county that we purchased 2 ambulances and hired employees at no extra cost to the county. That all of this was to assist the current EMS system. Whatever is truly going on needs to be addressed. Being deceitful is not an option I would choose.