2018 Maryland election results

Chad R. Shrodes

Chad R. Shrodes
  • Republican
  • Age: 44
  • Residence: White Hall

About Chad R. Shrodes


I’m a lifelong resident of Norrisville, a father, a graduate of North Harford High School, Harford Community College and Towson University; and former land use planner for the County and State, currently serving a third term as Councilman. I have a BS in Land Use and Environmental Planning. My Council experience, planning background, understanding of sound planning practices, and level of local knowledge have been vital to the success of the council this term and in past terms. My experience will continue to be important as the next Council will include three or more new members.


In addition to my tenure on the Council, I have more than two decades of land use planning experience, with specific experience in the fields of transportation, the environment, and historic and agricultural land preservation. I have also worked as a Real Estate Agent for 11 years. I am a graduate of the Maryland Academy for Excellence in Local Governance, the Harford County Leadership Academy, and the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Citizens Police Academy.


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Glassman record
What do you consider the greatest accomplishments and failings of the Glassman administration?
Shrodes: I am proud to have supported the Administration’s restoration of pay increases for law enforcement, teachers and Harford County Government employees, renewed investment in agricultural preservation, and new tax credits for seniors and veterans. Further, the Administration’s efficiency initiatives have significantly increased the County’s fund balance and contributed to the County’s continued Triple A Bond Rating. This has been accomplished without raising taxes. I value the Administration’s efforts to “investment in people”, and support their efforts to address mental health crisis in Harford County and reduce homelessness. Further, I support the Administration’s investments in public safety including the recent announcement of funding for student resource officers in Middle Schools. Moving forward I’d like to work with the County on improvements to public transportation and safety including additional support for first responders and student resource officers in elementary schools.
Does Harford County have adequate resources to meet its needs, particularly in the funding of public schools and law enforcement?
Shrodes: I am proud of the progress we have made including restoring salaries to teachers and first responders, while building the County’s fund balance. I feel the County has met needs adequately without raising taxes. I support efforts to increase State funding for our schools, our highways, and public safety and the County’s efforts to recover losses caused by the opiate epidemic, from pharmaceutical companies.
Land use
Have the county’s land use policies adequately balanced growth and the preservation of existing communities and agricultural land?
Shrodes: I believe that the County’s land use policies have adequately balanced growth, while preserving productive agricultural and natural resources. The “Development Envelope,” has helped to direct new residential and commercial development into designated growth areas. Harford County is a leader in the country for land preservation programs; to date, Harford County has protected over 50,000 acres. I was proud to have championed the expansion of the Maryland Rural Legacy Program and Priority Preservation Area (PPA) boundaries to include the “Upper” Deer Creek Watershed. During my first term, I was instrumental in creating legislation that strengthened our County’s already renowned land preservation easement program to encourage greater participation from prospective landowners. Most recently, I was an advocate for the newly adopted land preservation incentive areas (productive farmland nearest to our designed growth areas under the greatest development pressure). I look forward to working with the Administration to develop innovative ways to continue to balance growth, protect the character of our rural and village communities, and enhance the quality of life for all residents of Harford County.
How do you rate the county’s efforts to fight opioid addiction overdoses? What else, if anything, should the county be doing to combat the epidemic?
Shrodes: Harford County is a leader in the State and the Country in pioneering initiatives to fight the opiate epidemic including award-winning awareness campaigns, arts programs, peer to peer messaging, peer recovery coaches, agency partnerships, and an outstanding prevention team- the Harford County Office of Drug Control Policy. In 2017 the Office leveraged the County’s investment of $250,000 into more than a $1 million dollars for treatment and recovery. We are also fortunate to have ACR, a nonprofit organization that offers 247 support for individuals seeking treatment, in our County. Harford County Government and its partners (Harford County Sheriff’s Office, schools, hospitals, health department, Court System, CORE, etc.) have done a tremendous job raising awareness about the epidemic and are working daily to reduce the barriers to treatment and recovery. Moving forward, we must continue to work together to address gaps in our communities. We need treatment beds for youth, mental health interventions for middle and elementary school children, transitional/recovery housing, teen diversion and re-entry programs, and resources to support long-term sobriety. Further, we need to partner with the defense community to protect our first responders, and find more effective ways to detect fentanyl.
Sherrif's office
How would you characterize the relationship between the Harford County Sheriff’s Office and the communities it serves? Are any reforms necessary?
Shrodes: The Harford County Sheriff’s Office has an excellent Community Policing Team which includes School Resource Officers in high schools and soon middle schools. The School SROs are trusted confidants for students and dedicated public servants. The HOPE Group, HOPE Trailer, and participation at events like Project Homeless Connect, Drug Take Back Events, and School Resource Fairs are well attended by all of our partners in law enforcement and I commend them for making community outreach a high priority. I support increasing positive interaction opportunities like these.
The Glassman administration is trying to lead Harford County’s formerly all-volunteer fire and emergency medical services to more a professional organization with more paid personnel. How do you rate the county’s effort and what should have or could have done differently in this controversial transformation?
Shrodes: Harford County is fortunate to have exceptional volunteer fire and emergency medical services which play a critical role in protecting our community. I strongly support our first responders and I am grateful for their service. They have a difficult and dangerous job to do. I am an advocate for funding necessary renovations, protective gear, and efforts to improve the quality of life of our volunteer first responders.

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